
[Peter Griffin]: Alright, so we got Ruth chapter three, verse one. "Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, 'My daughter, should I not seek security for you, that it may be well with you?'"

[Brian Griffin]: Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's back up a bit. What's going on here?

[Peter Griffin]: Oh, right. Well, Ruth is a widow and Naomi, her mother-in-law, is trying to find her a new husband.

[Brian Griffin]: Ah, I see. So, what happened next?

[Peter Griffin]: Uh, well, Naomi tells Ruth to dress up in her nicest clothes and put perfume on, and then go to Boaz's house. He's a close relative of theirs. And when he lies down to sleep, Ruth should uncover his feet and lie down there.

[Stewie Griffin]: So she's going to creep into his bed while he's sleeping? Sounds like a recipe for a Lifetime movie.

[Peter Griffin]: Yeah, sure. So then Naomi tells her that if Boaz asks her who she is, she should tell him she's Ruth and that she's come to him for protection.

[Brian Griffin]: And then what?

[Peter Griffin]: Well, Boaz wakes up and finds her there, and he asks her why she's come. Ruth tells him, and then Boaz pledges to act as her guardian. He also arranges for their marriage to be legally recognized.

[Stewie Griffin]: Sounds like a real-life version of the movie Hitch!