Peter: Alright, here's the skinny on Chapter 2 of Ruth. So Boaz is out in the field, you know, working the land, and Ruth shows up and starts gleaning. So Boaz is like, "Hey, whatcha doin'?" and Ruth is like, "Oh, just gathering up some of the grain so I can feed my family." And then Boaz is like, "Ah, you must be that Moabite girl that my relative Naomi told me about." And Ruth is like, "Yup, that's me." And Boaz is like, "Cool, cool, you can stick around and glean all the grain you want, and you don't even have to worry about the other harvesters bothering you, because I'm the boss and I said so!" And then he gives her a bunch of food and tells her to go chill with the other young women.
Lois: Wow, that's so nice of Boaz!
Chris: Yeah, it's like they say, "Treat yo' moabite right!"
Peter: Hey, that's a good one! Anyway, so Ruth is all like, "Wow, thanks Boaz!" and he's like, "No problem." And then he tells her that if she wants to, she can hang out with his own servants and they'll give her more food and stuff.
Stewie: That sounds like a sweet gig!
Meg: Yeah, I bet she was living her best life!
Peter: You got that right! So Ruth is like, "Wow, thanks for being so kind to me!" and Boaz is like, "No problem, kid. Just stay safe and you'll be good." And then she goes and hangs out with the other servants and they give her a bunch of food and stuff. The end!
Stewie: Man, what a great ending! I bet it was like a real-life version of "The Princess and the Pea"!
Peter: Yeah, except instead of a pea it was a bunch of grain and instead of a princess it was a Moabite girl.
Lois: Well, whatever it was, it was still a nice story!