Alex Trebek: So, tell me a little bit about yourself.

Contestant: Well, I was just reading the book of Ruth in the Bible and I wanted to share the summary.

Alex Trebek: *sighs* Alright then. What happened in Ruth 2?

Contestant: Well, Ruth gleans in the field of Boaz and he notices her hard work and generosity. He invites her to stay and eat with his workers, and gives her extra grain to take home. Boaz also promises to take care of her and protect her from harm.

Alex Trebek: *Rolls eyes* That's nice, I suppose. Anything else?

Contestant: Yes, Boaz then goes to the city gate to meet with the family of Naomi's late husband. The family is willing to redeem their relative's land, but Boaz insists that he do it himself.

Alex Trebek: *Sighs* And that's it?

Contestant: Yes, that's it, but it's a beautiful story of kindness, generosity, and loyalty.