So on this week's episode of the Bible, we got a real blast from the past. We meet up with Ruth, the Moabite, who's just coming back from her Bethlehem pilgrimage. She's got a plan to make some money, and it involves gleaning in the fields of Boaz, a wealthy relative of her late husband, who she's also hoping to marry. But it turns out, Boaz is a real mensch and he's so impressed with Ruth's work ethic that he orders his workers to leave extra grain for her to collect. And if that weren't enough, Boaz also gives her a big bag of barley to take home with her. I'd say he's got a thing for her! So Ruth goes back to Naomi, who's so happy with what she's done that she tells her to stick with Boaz, because he's the best thing that's ever happened to them. Stay tuned to see how this love story ends.