Alright, folks, buckle up, because this chapter of 2 Samuel is an absolute wild ride. We start off with a famine, which is never a good sign, and somehow it's all because of a past king who made a vow to the Lord. So the current king, David, is trying to make up for it by sacrificing seven of Saul's descendants, which is not a great look. But it works, and the famine is over. Then we've got some mighty warriors like a guy named Jashobeam, who kills 300 in one day, and Uriah who is so strong he can lift a full-grown cow with his bare hands. No joke. Finally we get the story of David and the giants, which is a classic, and a real reminder of why David was such a great king. So if you're looking for a good story with a happy ending, this one's for you.