Peter: Alright, so this is Nehemiah 9. So, uh, the Israelites confessed their sins and God's greatness, and praised him for being so merciful and forgiving.
Lois: Oh wow, that sounds really nice.
Stewie: Yeah, but then they started talking about how they had disobeyed God's commands, and how they had been taken into captivity because of their sins.
Brian: Wait, so they talked about all the bad stuff they did too?
Peter: Yeah, they were really honest and humble about it.
Lois: Wow, that's really admirable.
Stewie: Well, then they went on to talk about how God had been so gracious to them and how he had given them a chance to start over.
Brian: That sounds like a great message.
Peter: And then they declared that they would obey all of God's laws going forward, and they asked God to continue to be with them and help them.
Lois: Such a great reminder to put God first in our lives.
Stewie: Yeah, and then they sang some songs about God's greatness. So much better than listening to '80s hits or something.
Brian: I don't know about that. '80s hits are pretty great.