Peter: Alright, so this Nehemiah 8 is about a big festival in Jerusalem.

Lois: Yeah, all the people came from far and wide to celebrate the completion of the wall.

Brian: Wait, they had a wall around the city? Like, a Wall-E kind of wall?

Peter: No, Brian, it's not a Disney movie. They read from the book of the law, and Ezra and Nehemiah explained it to the people.

Lois: Yeah, and the people were so excited that they all shouted and praised God.

Brian: Wow, I guess they really got into it. Like, they were so excited they didn't even stop to ask why they had to build the wall in the first place.

Peter: Yeah, but then the people all went home and celebrated the feast of Tabernacles for seven days.

Lois: Oh, and Nehemiah made sure to remind them to give gifts to the poor, so everyone shared what they had.

Brian: Oh, so it was kind of like a Friendsgiving? I mean, minus the turkey.