Batman: Robin, something special is happening in Jerusalem!
Robin: What is it, Batman?
Batman: Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem have gathered together to hear the words of God read from the Book of the Law.
Robin: Holy scripture, Batman!
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a boring day for the citizens of Jerusalem!
Batman: On the contrary, Joker. The people were moved by the words they heard, and they wept and praised God.
Catwoman: What did they do then?
Batman: Nehemiah and the priest Ezra urged the people to celebrate the joy of the day by feasting and sharing with their neighbours.
Riddler: What did they celebrate?
Batman: They celebrated the Festival of Temporary Shelters, which was a reminder of the time when their ancestors wandered in the wilderness.
Penguin: How did they celebrate?
Batman: They celebrated with joy and gladness and by giving thanks to God.