Peter: Alright, so in Nehemiah 7, Nehemiah appoints a bunch of people to be in charge of Jerusalem. And it's like, what up, Nehemiah? You the man!

Lois: Peter, that's not funny.

Peter: Wait, it gets better. So then he appoints a bunch of priests and other temple workers and he puts them in charge of everything.

Brian: Sounds like he was a bit of a micromanager.

Stewie: Yeah, but it was probably for the best.

Peter: Yeah, then he also appoints a bunch of guards to protect the city, and then he makes a list of all the people living in Jerusalem.

Lois: Wow, that's a lot of work!

Peter: Yeah, and then they also find out that there are a bunch of people who have come to Jerusalem from other places and they're not allowed to intermarry with the people of Jerusalem.

Brian: So much for the great melting pot.

Stewie: Yeah, Nehemiah wanted to keep the culture pure.

Peter: Yeah, and then they also make a commitment to follow the laws of God, and then the chapter ends.

Lois: So, what did we learn from this?

Peter: We learned that Nehemiah was a great leader and he was really organized. He also wanted to make sure that the people of Jerusalem kept their culture and laws pure.