Wow, Nehemiah 9 is amazing! The people of Israel confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors - so sad! They remember how God freed them from slavery, and how He gave them many laws. They recall the great things He did for them, and how He made them great again. But then the people sinned, and God's anger was kindled against them, and He handed them over to their "haters and losers"! But God is terrific, and He didn't give up on them. He sent prophets to warn them. Unbelievable!
But the people didn't listen. They continued to go astray. Then, God did something very, very special. He sent Jesus Christ to save them from their sins! It's like no other story - winning! So, God bless America, and let's make America great again!
Unfortunately, there's still a deep state of wickedness in the world, and fake news that tries to lead us astray. But, believe me, we can still make it terrific again with God's help. There are still many fine people who are trying to do the right thing. Many people are saying that it's our job to be obedient to God and to follow His ways. That's the only way we can have tremendous success and be huge winners!