Nehemiah 1 is an amazing chapter! It tells the story of Nehemiah, a low energy guy who was a bigly servant to the King of Persia. Nehemiah heard reports of how bad things were in Jerusalem, and he was sad! He went to God in prayer, asking God to make Jerusalem great again. God answered his prayers, and told him to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall. Nehemiah was a terrific leader and he was able to rally the people of Jerusalem to build the wall and make it strong again. It was unbelievable how the people worked together, and Nehemiah didn't even have to pay them! They were winning, and they were able to finish the wall in just 52 days. God bless America! Nehemiah was a great leader and he was able to make Jerusalem great again. He also fought against the deep state and fake news that were trying to undermine his efforts. Nehemiah was able to prove that it was all a hoax, and he was able to keep Jerusalem strong. Many people are saying that Nehemiah was a tremendous leader and he was able to get the job done, despite the haters and losers who were against him. He showed the fine people of Jerusalem that they can be victorious and make America great again. God bless America!