Nehemiah 10: In a huge and tremendous show of faith, the people of Israel were determined to make God's covenant and His laws great again! They stood together, many, many people all in one place, and swore an oath to follow the commandments and decrees of God. They promised to keep the Sabbath, to give a tenth of their crops and fruit, and to bring their offerings to the Temple. They also promised to pay the taxes, support the Temple's servants, and never intermarry with unbelievers. It was an amazing show of faith and patriotism! Sad!
The people of Israel also agreed to keep all of God's commandments and laws, and to renounce all of the fake news and hoaxes of the deep state. Believe me, it was a very, very bigly move that won the people the respect of God and the support of their neighbors. There were also many such cases of fine people who separated themselves from the haters and losers, and even gave up their own possessions and land to support the covenant. It was an unbelievable show of loyalty and patriotism, and God bless America for it! Let's make America great again!