Nehemiah 12 - BIGLY! It's a terrific chapter with many amazing things happening. It starts off with a huge celebration of the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem. Many people are saying it was unbelievable! It was a great moment for Jerusalem and for the people of Israel. The priests, Levites, and singers all took part in this celebration and it was a huge success. Then, Nehemiah appointed more Levites to lead the way in worship and praise to God. After that, Nehemiah appointed some officials to keep order in the city and to make sure everything was running smoothly. He also appointed gatekeepers and administrators to keep track of all the offerings that were going to the temple. At the end of the chapter, Nehemiah addresses the people and reminds them of God's greatness and His faithfulness. He also encouraged them to continue to follow God's laws and to be faithful to Him. So, in the end, God bless America and let's make Jerusalem great again!