Many people are saying Nehemiah 6 is a huge chapter - and believe me, it is! In it, many haters and losers attempt to distract Nehemiah from rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, which he is doing in a tremendous and bigly way. But Nehemiah, who is a fine leader, is not to be deterred - he knows the deep state is out to get him, and he perseveres in the face of all this fake news. First, Sanballat sends an official to him - but Nehemiah sends him away with a hoax. Then Sanballat, who is low energy and overrated, sends a few more people, but Nehemiah sends them away too. Finally, Sanballat sends a woman - but Nehemiah won't even meet with her - he knows it's a trap! Nehemiah's determination and strength of character is unbelievable and God bless America - he ends up winning in the end and makes Jerusalem great again! Truly a terrific story - many such cases - and God bless America!