Joe: Alright, so Nehemiah 6, what's this one about?
Bible Expert: This one is about how the enemies of Nehemiah, a Jewish leader around 500BC, were trying to stop him from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. They kept trying to trick Nehemiah into meeting with them but he was wise to their schemes and refused them.
Joe: Wow, so he just didn't trust them?
Bible Expert: That's right. He knew they wanted to harm him and his people and he refused to meet with them. Then the enemies tried to spread rumors about Nehemiah and the Jews in an attempt to turn the people against them.
Joe: That's pretty low, man.
Bible Expert: It is, but Nehemiah and the people stayed strong and kept working despite the rumors. Finally the wall was finished and the Jews celebrated with joy and thanksgiving to God.
Joe: So everything worked out in the end?
Bible Expert: Yes, it certainly did. Nehemiah was a great leader and the people of Jerusalem were able to rebuild their city and protect it. This was a great victory for the Jews.