Joe: Alright, so let's talk Nehemiah 2! Who was Nehemiah and what was he up to in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Nehemiah was a Jewish official in the Persian court. He was sent to Jerusalem in this chapter to rebuild the walls of the city.
Joe: Wow! Now that's a big task. How did he go about it?
Bible Expert: Nehemiah first received permission from the King of Persia to go to Jerusalem and start the project. He then prayed to God and asked for His protection and guidance. Afterwards, he traveled to Jerusalem and inspected the damage to the walls.
Joe: What did he find?
Bible Expert: Nehemiah found that the walls were in a state of disrepair. He organized the people into teams and they started rebuilding the wall.
Joe: Did they have any opposition?
Bible Expert: Yes, there were some local inhabitants who opposed the rebuilding of the wall. They tried to distract Nehemiah and prevent the rebuilding from happening. Nehemiah prayed for strength and then he and the people overcame the opposition and finished the wall.
Joe: Wow! That's quite a story! Did anything else happen in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Yes, Nehemiah also organized the people into groups in order to restore the temple and the city. He appointed leaders and organized the people into teams to rebuild the city. He also organized the people into groups to bring offerings and sacrifices to God. Finally, he organized the people into groups to rebuild the gates and walls of the city.