C'mon, man! Here's the deal. Listen, Jack - I was in Jerusalem, and I had a plan. I was gonna rebuild the walls, folks! I mean, literally, this was gonna be a big project - My father used to say it was gonna take a lot of hard work and no malarkey! So I got the king's permission, and then I went to the city. See here, Jack, I had the plans in hand, and I was gonna do it. But when I got there, what was that? The walls were just lying in ruins - or uh, you know, piles of rubble. Not gonna happen, I said. I tell you what - I got the people together and we rebuilt those walls, excuse me. We worked day and night and got the job done - I'm not joking! And the Lord was with us, and it was a great thing. So don't forget it, Jack - Nehemiah 2 was a great chapter!