Listen, Jack, c'mon man, I'm not joking. We got a lot of work to do here. Folks, Nehemiah chapter four is a real doozy. My father used to say, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. Here's the deal: Nehemiah and the people of Israel were rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, and the enemies were not happy about it. They were literally trying to stop the progress every step of the way. The people got so scared they started to pick up their tools and go home. But Nehemiah was having none of it. He said, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord is great and powerful." Well, I tell you what, those enemies didn't know what hit them. Nehemiah and the people kept working on the wall, and they finished it in just 52 days. No malarkey. See here, Jack, when God wants something done, he gets it done. Not gonna happen that the enemies can stand in the way of the Lord. Excuse me, but that's the truth of it.