Folks, here's the deal: no malarkey! I tell ya, Nehemiah 13 is a real doozy. See here, Jack, the Israelites had gone and neglected the commandment of God, and Nehemiah was not having it. He was like, "C'mon, man! We gotta do better than this." So he goes and gets rid of the foreign wives, and he's like, "Listen, Jack, this is important, so don't forget it." My father used to say, "You gotta stick to the basics, or you'll end up in a world of trouble." Nehemiah was one step ahead of him, though. He took away the Sabbath from the merchants and the marketplaces, so that the people could rest and spend time with their families. We could learn a thing or two from Nehemiah, excuse me. He was as wise as a hawk, and as strong as an ox. Anyways, Nehemiah calls out the rulers for not keeping the tithe, and that's when things got real. He was like, "What was that? You're not keeping the tithe? Not gonna happen!" He was so serious that they all got down to business, and the tithe was given exactly as it was supposed to be. Literally!