Joe: Alright so we're talking about the 11th chapter of Nehemiah. What's it about?
Bible Expert: Well Joe, Nehemiah 11 is about the people of Israel returning to Jerusalem after their exile and taking up residence in the city. The people are divided into twelve tribes and each tribe takes up residence in a specific area of the city.
Joe: Wow, so it's like a literal city-state?
Bible Expert: Yes, that's right. They divide up the city into 12 sections and each tribe lives in their own distinct area.
Joe: Interesting. So what kind of things are they doing?
Bible Expert: Well, they are setting up a system of governance and making sure that everyone is on the same page. They set up laws and ordinances to ensure that everyone is following the same rules and that justice is served. They also set up a system of taxation so that everyone is contributing to the maintenance of the city.
Joe: That's amazing. So how long do they stay in Jerusalem?
Bible Expert: Well, they stay in Jerusalem for many years and become a thriving and prosperous city. They are also able to rebuild the walls of the city and make it a strong and secure place to live.
Joe: Wow. Jamie, can you Google how long the Israelites stayed in Jerusalem?
Jamie: Sure Joe. It looks like they stayed in Jerusalem for about 400 years.
Joe: Wow, 400 years. That's incredible. So what happens next?
Bible Expert: After 400 years, the people of Israel eventually leave Jerusalem and are scattered across the world. But the city of Jerusalem remains a symbol of hope and resilience for the Jewish people throughout the centuries.