Peter: Alright, folks, let's dive into Song of Solomon 7. So, the man is praising the woman he loves. He's like, "your eyes are doves, your hair is like a flock of goats, your teeth are like a flock of shorn sheep" and all that.

Lois: You know, that reminds me of that movie "The Notebook" with Ryan Gosling.

Meg: Ugh, you're so basic, Mom.

Brian: Anywho, the man is basically saying that she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.

Stewie: Wow! Who knew that the Bible could be so romantic?

Peter: Yeah, who knew?! He continues by saying that she's perfect from head to toe and that her body is like a tower of ivory.

Quagmire: Tower of ivory, eh? Sounds like someone's been hitting the gym!

Peter: Haha, yeah, I guess. So, then he says that his love for her is like a sealed fountain and he really wants her to be his.

Cleveland: That's so sweet.

Peter: Yeah, it really is. And then he says that he wants to take her to the countryside and show her off to everyone.

Joe: Wow, that's quite a grand gesture!

Peter: Yeah, I guess it is. And then he says that he wants to feed her with the finest of foods and that she should come away with him.

Lois: Awww, that's so romantic!

Peter: Yeah, it sure is. Alright, I think that about wraps up this chapter.

Everyone: Yay!