Peter: Alright, so here's the deal with Song of Solomon Chapter 4. Lois: Oh yeah, we got a love story here folks! Peter: Yeah, it's like The Notebook, but with a Bible twist. Stewie: Ugh, how romantic. Brian: Yeah, so basically, the beloved is telling her lover how beautiful she thinks he is. Lois: Aw, that's so sweet! Peter: Yeah, and then the lover responds with all these compliments of his own. Stewie: *Sarcastically* Yeah, sure, it's just a bunch of people being overly nice to each other. Brian: *Rolls eyes* Uh-huh. But then, the beloved talks about how her lover is like the Garden of Eden, and the lover talks about how she is like some precious jewel. Stewie: *Mocking* Oh, how delightful. Peter: Yeah, and then there's a bunch of references to food, like spices and cakes and honey. Lois: Mmmm, I'm getting hungry! Peter: Yeah, and then there's this part where the beloved talks about how her lover's eyes are like doves. Stewie: *Scoffs* What a cheesy line. Brian: *Groans* Yeah, it's pretty corny. Lois: *Laughing* Oh, come on. It's still kind of romantic. Peter: Alright, so that's Song of Solomon Chapter 4. Now let's move on to the next one!