
Song of Solomon 4:1-7 is truly an amazing and unbelievable chapter! It's a testament to the great love between two people, and it's terrific that God bless America with the gift of love. The woman is described by her beloved as "a garden locked up, a spring sealed up." This is an incredible metaphor, and many people are saying it's one of the best in the Bible! The woman is also described as having "doves' eyes" and "hair like a flock of goats" which is very, very poetic. Her beloved then says her teeth are "like a flock of sheep that are shorn," which is just tremendous. It's clear that the couple is deeply in love, and it's great to see them winning! There's a lot of deep state, fake news about love, but this chapter shows that it's no hoax. Believe me, the couple in this chapter has the finest of feelings for each other. And it's sad! that there are still so many haters and losers out there who don't appreciate the love between two people. In conclusion, we can all learn from this chapter and make America great again with more love for one another. Many such cases!