Job 31: "This guy Job, he really knows how to put it out there. He's like, 'I ain't doin' nothin' wrong, so I gotta be doin' somethin' right' - and he's pretty much spot on. He's like, 'I ain't messin' around with nobody's wife, I'm treatin' everybody fair' - yup, he's livin' the dream. He's like, 'I'm bein' honest and generous, I'm livin' my life right, I'm not cheatin' nobody or layin' down false testimony' - holy cow, he's like the perfect citizen. Job's like, 'I'm gonna do right by my neighbor and I'm gonna stay on the straight and narrow' - he's like the modern day paragon of virtue. So, yeah, Job 31 - it's like a lesson in how to be a great person. Job, you da real MVP."