Peter: Alright, so what's this chapter all about?
Lois: Well, Peter, it's about the Lord making a declaration that he will remove the names of false prophets from the land, and then he goes on to describe a fountain of cleansing for the people of Judah.
Brian: So, he's like a spiritual shampoo, if you will?
Peter: Yeah, but it's not like Herbal Essences, it's more like Head and Shoulders! Zing!
Cleveland: *sighs* In addition, the Lord promises to give a new heart and a new spirit to his people.
Quagmire: Yeah and he'll cut off the spirit of the false prophets so they won't be able to lead the people astray.
Peter: Wow, that's heavy. So, what kind of pop culture references can we make here?
Lois: Hmmm… I guess we could say that the Lord is like the hero in a Star Wars movie, cutting off the power of the evil Empire!
Brian: Yeah, or we could say that the cleansing fountain is like the fountain of youth from Pirates of the Caribbean!
Peter: I got it! We can say that the Lord is like Superman, removing the false prophets like they're kryptonite! Bam!