Peter: Alright, let's get this party started. 1 Timothy 5. Lois: *Rolls eyes* What does it say, Peter?
Peter: Well, it says that younger widows should stay unmarried, but older ones can remarry. Stewie: Hey, like that show The Golden Girls! Peter: Right, but it also says that if a widow has children or grandchildren, they should take care of her, and if not, then the church should take care of her.
Lois: That's nice. But what else?
Peter: Well, it also says to not be too quick to accuse an elder of wrongdoing and to treat them with honor and respect. And it also says to not be lazy and to work hard, and to help the needy.
Stewie: This sounds like a job for the A-Team! Peter: Uh, sure. Anyway, it also says to not accept money from people who are not believers, and to not accept bribes.
Lois: So, basically, it's saying to be generous and respectful. That's a good message.
Peter: Yeah, and it also says to not be too quick to believe rumors and to not be too quick to judge people.
Stewie: So, basically, it's saying to be wise and judicious. That's a good message, too.
Lois: That's right. Good summary, Peter.