Joker: Ha-ha-ha! I've got a riddle for you, Batman and Robin - what does the Bible have to say about that pesky problem of taking care of the old and needy?
Batman: We can answer your riddle, Joker! 1 Timothy 5 states that if any Christian has widows in their family, they should take care of them and not burden the church.
Robin: And the church should look after the widows who don't have any family to take care of them.
Joker: Interesting! That's not what I was expecting, but I suppose it makes sense.
Batman: Indeed. 1 Timothy 5 also states that younger widows should remarry, bear children, and manage their households - but only if they can do so without neglecting their duties to God.
Robin: The Bible also says that the elders of the church should be paid for their work and that younger widows should be encouraged to find husbands and be taken care of by their own families.
Joker: Huh. Who knew that the Bible had a few practical tips?