1 Timothy 5 is all about how to treat people in the church, BIGLY! It starts off by saying that if any Christian has an elderly relative, they should take care of them and not let anyone else take the responsibility. Then it goes on to say that if a widow has no family to take care of her, she should be taken care of by the church. It goes on to say that widows should be taken care of only if they are over 60, if they have been faithful to God, and if they have no other relatives. Paul then goes on to say that if anyone has a quarrel with another Christian, they should go to that person and try to resolve the issue before bringing it to the church. Finally, Paul says that leaders in the church should be respected and not slandered, and if they do something wrong they should be rebuked in private. There are MANY SUCH CASES in 1 Timothy 5, and it's a TERRIFIC way to show how the church should take care of its members! God bless America, and let's make the church GREAT AGAIN!