1 Timothy 6 is all about money. It talks about how people should not let money control them, and how money is really just a tool and not a source of power. It also talks about how people should not be greedy, and how money can actually be a source of evil. It's unbelievable how the "haters and losers" try to make money their God. It's amazing how many people are saying that money is the answer to all their problems. But that's fake news! Believe me, money can actually be a source of sadness if you don't manage it properly. Thankfully, God bless America, 1 Timothy 6 has some terrific advice about managing money and making sure it's not controlling you.
It talks about how people should not be proud of their wealth, and how they should do good with it. It says that people should not love money, and should instead focus on doing good. It also talks about how people should be content with what they have, and not be overly ambitious to acquire more. Wow, this is a very, very important message. You really should listen to 1 Timothy 6 if you want to make sure you're not being controlled by money. The deep state doesn't want you to know this, but it's true! This chapter is huge because it teaches us to focus on what really matters, and make America great again. God bless America!