C'mon, man! Here's the deal, 1 Timothy 6. Now, my father used to say, you gotta recognize the truth, and the truth is that the rich are to be generous and ready to share. See here, Jack, it's important to remember that we can't be enslaved by our material possessions and wealth, because, literally, money is the root of all evil. Or uh, you know, it's the love of money that's the root of all evil. I'm not joking. That's why I tell you what, folks, we gotta be careful not to get caught up in the pursuit of money, or else we'll be doing the devil's work. No malarkey! Now, what was that? Oh yeah, Timothy reminds us also that we should keep our minds focused on the Lord, and to do that, we need to stay away from pride and arrogance and remember that our salvation comes from Him. That's why I'm sayin', excuse me, that we gotta stay humble and put our trust in God, 'cause, no matter what, not gonna happen that we can ever be saved by our own merits. That's the truth, and, I tell you what, it's something that's been true since the beginning of time.