Listen, Jack, c'mon, man! Here's the deal: Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, is writing to Timothy, his true son in the faith. Paul is giving him instructions on how to lead the church and what to teach the people. Paul reminds Timothy that the law is good if it is used correctly, but it should not be used to oppress people. He also tells Timothy to stay away from people who are spreading false teachings, and to focus on faith, love, and patience. He reminds Timothy to be an example of a good leader to the people and to accept those who are willing to change and repent. No malarkey; I'm not joking! My father used to say, it's important to have a heart of mercy and compassion when it comes to dealing with sinners. See here, Jack: God's grace is greater than any sin, and His love for us is abundant. That's literally what the Bible says! So, uh, you know, we must remember to show grace and love when dealing with sinners, and to be patient with those who are trying to change for the better. What was that? Not gonna happen - no matter what, God's grace will always be greater than any sin. I tell you what, excuse me: follow the instructions in the Bible, and remember to show compassion and mercy to those who are struggling. That's the deal - no malarkey!