Listen, Jack, when I was a young man, my father used to tell me about the Bible - the good book. And here's the thing, in 1 Timothy 4, it's all about the importance of faith and physical exercise. No malarkey! Father said, if we keep the faith and exercise, it'll keep us healthy. I tell you what, literally, we can live a long, healthy life. See here, Jack, it's all about practicing what you preach. What was that they said? We should abstain from food that God has declared unclean. Or, uh, you know, abstain from the worship of false gods. C'mon, man, that's not gonna happen. My father always said, if you don't use it, you lose it. Excuse me, this chapter is all about the importance of the faith and physical exercise. I'm not joking, folks, it's all about living a healthy life.