Peter: Alright, so Chapter 4 of 1 Timothy. Stewie: What is it about? Peter: Well, it starts off with Paul saying that the Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
Brian: Uh oh, sounds like a real horror show. Lois: Yeah, what else does it say?
Peter: It goes on to say that because of this, it is important for us to pay close attention to what we have been taught and to not let ourselves be influenced by false teachings.
Stewie: That sounds like the moral of The Wizard of Oz! Lois: It does, but let's hear what else it has to say.
Peter: Well, it goes on to say that the goal of all of this instruction is to promote love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.
Brian: That sounds like something they'd say on a Hallmark movie.
Lois: Yeah, and that reminds me, what else is it talking about?
Peter: It talks about dedicating ourselves to these things and avoiding irreverent and meaningless talk. It also talks about how we should train ourselves to be godly and how we should be an example to others.
Stewie: That sounds like something out of the Karate Kid!