Batman: Robin, we have received a distress signal from the Apostle Paul!
Robin: Holy distress signal, Batman! What does it say?
Batman: It says that Paul is warning Timothy to stay away from false teachings. He says that the Spirit of God has given us the power to live holy lives and that physical training and godliness are important.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a silly idea! Who cares about physical training and godliness?
Batman: It's important for us to stay fit and to lead a life in accordance with God's will, Joker!
Catwoman: But what about food, Batman? What does Paul say about that?
Batman: Paul says that all foods are acceptable, as long as we don't eat them for the wrong reasons. We should only eat food that is beneficial for our bodies and that will help us to stay healthy.
Riddler: But what about all the false teachings, Batman? How can we be sure that we're not getting tricked by them?
Batman: Paul says that we should stay away from myths and endless genealogies, and instead focus on the things that are truly important. We should pay attention to godliness, faith, love, and endurance.