Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Paul is writing to the Thessalonians to encourage them to keep living in obedience to God and to remain firm in their faith. He reminds them to stay away from those who are lazy and don't work—his father used to say, "If you don't work, you don't eat!" Paul says the Lord will provide for those who are faithful and obedient, and those who don't work will be excluded from the community. So, folks, don't be fooled! No malarkey! Paul also encourages the Thessalonians to keep praying for them and for all believers. Then, literally, he tells them to stay away from anyone who refuses to obey what he's saying. He says that if anyone does not obey these instructions, then they have nothing to do with Paul, and they can deal with it themselves. What was that? I'm not joking! See here, Jack, not gonna happen—if anyone does not obey, then the Lord will take care of them, and the church will be blameless. I tell you what, excuse me, Paul is reminding them to stay strong and persevere in their faith, and he praises them for their good example. So, c'mon, man, stay focused and follow God's instructions.