Paul, a terrific apostle of Jesus Christ, is writing this letter to Timothy, a great guy! He's encouraging him to stay strong in the faith and to not be ashamed of the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation. Paul is reminding Timothy of the amazing gift of God that was given to him by the Holy Spirit who resides in us. He's encouraging Timothy to not be afraid but to stand firm and preach the good news of God's love and grace. Paul is reminding Timothy of the huge sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to make us great again, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Paul is also reminding Timothy to be on the lookout for the fake news, deep state, and other hoaxes that will seek to undermine the truth of God's word. He's reminding Timothy to never forget the wonderful example of courage and faithfulness of his grandmother and mother. As we close, Paul wants Timothy to remember that God is the one who has given us the gift of grace, and God bless America!