Well, folks, it looks like 2 Timothy is back with chapter 1! Paul is writing to Timothy, his spiritual son. He’s writing from prison, which is a terrible place to be, but hey at least he’s got the time to write folksy letters about the gospel. He talks about Timothy’s faith, which I guess is pretty strong, and then he tells him not to be ashamed of the gospel, because it’s pretty awesome. Paul then remembers his grandmother and mother, who were apparently really super into Jesus. He also talks about Timothy receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, which I guess is some kind of special anointing? Paul then tells Timothy to stir up his gift, whatever that means. I guess it means he should use the gift, like a gift card you get for your birthday or something. Paul closes out the chapter by saying to Timothy to “not be ashamed” of his faith, which I guess is another way of saying “have courage.” So there you have it, 2 Timothy 1 in a nutshell.