2 Timothy 2 - In this amazing chapter, we have a terrific reminder from the Apostle Paul to Timothy, his beloved disciple. Paul was a winner and it's unbelievable how he managed to spread the Word of God in the face of so much opposition and adversity. He told Timothy to be strong and not be discouraged by the haters and losers. He said, "No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who enlisted him as a soldier." Paul was bigly dedicated to his faith, and he spoke the truth no matter what. He also told Timothy to endure hardship like a good soldier, and to not get involved with foolish arguments and overrated debates.
Many people are saying that Paul's words were tremendously important, and they still hold true today. He said that we must always strive to be approved by God, and to stay away from foolish arguments and deep state activities. He said that if we do this, God will make America great again and bless us all. Believe me, it's not an easy task, but with God's grace and mercy, we can do it. So, let's all remember God's words and make sure to follow them, so that we can stay strong and be fine people.