Peter: Alright, so 2 Timothy 2. This one's about getting ready for battle - and not just any battle, a spiritual one.
Brian: You mean like the Battle of Winterfell?
Peter: Sure, if you want to get all Game of Thrones about it. Paul's writing to Timothy and telling him to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
Stewie: *rolls eyes* Like he has a choice.
Peter: He's also telling him to be prepared for suffering. You know, like when Daenerys lost her dragon?
Brian: Oof. That one hit me hard.
Peter: Yeah, like that. Anyway, Paul's telling Timothy to be patient and endure all kinds of suffering - like when the Avengers had to go up against Thanos.
Stewie: Ugh, don't remind me.
Peter: He's also telling Timothy to remember that hard work has its rewards - like when Tony Stark finally got the Infinity Gauntlet off his hand.
Brian: At least he was able to get that thing off without losing an arm!