Peter: Okay, so in 2 Timothy 4, it starts off with Paul telling Timothy to preach the word.

Lois: Right, even if people don't like it.

Stewie: Even if they don't like it, like when I tried to make the world a better place by inventing a talking dog to teach people about the perils of drinking? No one was having it.

Brian: Yeah, and then Paul goes on to say that people will turn away from the truth and follow their own desires.

Peter: Right, and then he tells Timothy to be prepared for any kind of situation and to keep his eyes open for any kind of false teaching.

Lois: Yeah, and then Paul goes on to talk about how he's been abandoned and how he's been left alone.

Stewie: Yeah, like when I was trying to build a time machine and all my friends abandoned me and I was all alone?

Brian: Yeah, and then Paul talks about how he's been deserted by everyone except for a few people who have been faithful to him.

Peter: Right, and then he says that he's been faithful to the end and he's going to receive the crown of righteousness.

Lois: Right, and then he talks about how he's ready to be taken away and how he's been faithful to the end.

Stewie: Yeah, like when I was trying to build that time machine and I was ready to be taken away to a new world?

Brian: Yeah, and then he talks about how the Lord will judge the living and the dead.

Peter: Right, and then he says to do the work of an evangelist and to keep on keeping on. So that's 2 Timothy 4.