Peter: Alright, so this one is Zephaniah 3. Stewie: Ah yes, the classic tale of a city, Jerusalem, that's so wicked and rebellious that the Lord is going to punish it severely and restore it to its former glory. Brian: That's right, but don't forget the part where God promises to take away the city's shame and make it a joyous place again. Lois: Yeah, there's also a bit about how God is going to bring justice and righteousness to the city, and how it will be a place of peace and security. Peter: Oh, and don't forget the part where God will restore the ruined cities of Judah, and the people will be able to live in safety and security. Stewie: And it's all wrapped up with a nice bow, as God promises to be their king and rejoice over them with singing. Brian: You know, I'm starting to feel like a broken record, but don't forget the part where God states that he will give the people a new name, one that will be better than their old one. Peter: Alright, so to sum it up: God is gonna punish Jerusalem for its wickedness, and then restore it to its former glory, giving it justice, righteousness, peace, security, and a new name. Lois: Sounds about right. Peter: Well, that's it for Zephaniah 3! On to the next one!