Robin: Holy Smokes, Batman! Look at what Zephaniah 3 is telling us!
Batman: What does it say, Robin?
Robin: It says that God will restore justice to Jerusalem and will make them a strong city. He will also forgive their sins and take away their enemies.
Joker: (interrupting) Hey, what's the big deal? I mean, why should God bother with a bunch of sinners like them?
Batman: Because, Joker, God is a just and loving God. He desires to reconcile his people to himself and make them right with Him.
Catwoman: But what about all their enemies? How is God going to get rid of them?
Robin: Well, Catwoman, God says that He will “cut off all who oppress them” and “humiliate all their foes.”
Riddler: That sounds like a pretty tall order. How is He going to do that?
Batman: Riddler, with God all things are possible! He will bring justice and peace to Jerusalem and the surrounding nations, and He will show the world that He alone is the true and living God.