Alex: Welcome to Jeopardy! Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Contestant: Well, I'm a big fan of the Bible, so I thought I'd give you a quick summary of the book of Zephaniah.
Alex: Uh...okay.
Contestant: Zephaniah 3 talks about the Lord's judgement on Judah for their sin and wickedness. He promises to restore the city with righteousness and justice and to remove those who are proud and boastful. He will save the humble and the poor and will gather them and protect them.
Alex:, do you play any sports?
Contestant: Well, in the last chapter, the Lord promises to “rejoice over Judah with singing” and to gather them from the nations, so they can live in safety and security.
Alex: *sigh* I'm sure that's great. Any hobbies?
Contestant: The Lord also promises to provide justice to the oppressed and to punish those who mistreat his people. He will give them strength and courage to overcome their enemies and bring joy and peace to the land.
Alex: *sighs* I suppose that's nice. Do you like to travel?