Peter: Alright, now we're gonna talk about Philippians 3.
Lois: Is that from the Bible?
Peter: Yup! In this chapter, Paul tells the Philippians that he's giving up all his worldly possessions and focusing on his pursuit of righteousness.
Stewie: Oh, the classic "I'm gonna sell my stock portfolio and spend my days sipping frozen lemonades on the beach" move.
Brian: Stewie, this isn't a movie, it's the Bible.
Stewie: Oh, right. Well, it sounds like Paul is talking about putting his faith in Jesus and not in worldly things.
Peter: Yup. He also encourages them to do the same, and to strive to attain the resurrection of the dead.
Lois: Wow, that's really deep.
Peter: Yeah, but then he says that none of those things really matter if they don't have love.
Stewie: Ah, he's really pushing the "love is all you need" message. I guess the Beatles were ahead of their time.
Brian: Ugh.