C'mon, man! Here's the deal: Paul is talking about being filled with joy, and literally, that's all that matters. He wants us to focus on the Lord and his righteousness and put no confidence in our own abilities. My father used to say: "Put your faith in the Lord, no malarkey!" See here, Jack: Paul was a Jew and he did everything that was expected, but none of it mattered. What was that? What Paul realized was that it was through faith in Jesus that he could have salvation, and now he wants us all to share in that same joy. Or uh, you know, don't put your faith in your own abilities. I tell you what: all of the things Paul used to have faith in are now just garbage compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. Excuse me: Paul wants us to strive for the prize of knowing Jesus and his resurrection power. Not gonna happen if we don't press on and reach for the goal.