Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! We're in Philippians 3!
Batman: Indeed, Robin! Paul the Apostle is telling his readers that they should not put their trust in their own righteousness and instead trust in Christ's death and resurrection, as he himself has done.
Catwoman: What's wrong with trusting in your own righteousness? Seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do...
Batman: Not according to Paul! He says that our own righteousness is like filthy rags; it is nothing compared to the righteousness of Christ.
Joker: Hahaha! You mean to say, even the best of us is no good!
Batman: That's right, Joker. Paul goes on to say that we should forget about the things of the past and instead focus on the things of the future—the things that come from Christ.
Robin: Wow, Batman! That's a lot to take in!
Batman: It certainly is, Robin. But if we put our trust in Christ, we will be filled with joy and peace and righteousness.
Joker: Joy, peace and righteousness? That sounds like a horrible way to spend your time!
Batman: Not at all, Joker. To have faith in Christ is to have hope and joy and peace. The Lord will reward those who trust in Him.