Batman: Robin, our mission is to save the citizens of Gotham City from the evil forces at work here!
Robin: Right, Batman! What's the plan?
Batman: We must look to the Bible for guidance. Let's turn to Philippians 4!
Catwoman: Oh, the teachings of Paul? How quaint!
Batman: Enough of your mischief, Catwoman! Listen closely, Robin. Paul tells us to rejoice in the Lord! He also tells us to be gentle, and to not worry about anything.
Robin: But how?
Batman: Paul says to pray and ask God for help with our worries and concerns. He also tells us to think on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report.
Joker: That's no fun! What kind of advice is that?
Batman: Joker, this is serious. Paul is telling us to focus on the good things in life, and to be thankful for them.
Robin: I understand, Batman! The Bible is always a great source of wisdom.