Listen, Jack, here's the deal: no malarkey! Folks, the book of Philippians 4 has some great advice. My father used to say, "live with joy and peace no matter what the circumstances!" See here, Jack, that is literally the message of this chapter. Paul says to rejoice in the Lord always and bring your requests to Him in prayer. He also tells us to think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. What was that? I'm not joking! He also encourages us to not be anxious or worried. Instead, Paul says to focus on the good things and thank God in all things. C'mon, man! That's a tall order, but God will give us the strength to do it. Or uh, you know, He'll help us out. And that's a promise. I tell you what, these words are still relevant today. We can still live with joy and peace no matter what the circumstances! Excuse me, but I'm not gonna let anyone tell me that's not gonna happen.