Folks! Listen, Jack. Here's the deal about the book of Philippians. It's about a dude named Paul who's in prison and he's writing to his buddies in Philippi. Now, I'm not joking, c'mon man, these folks were like family to him. My father used to say, "Paul loves them like a brother"; literally, he loved them like family. But what was that? They're having some issues and he's trying to help them work through it. He's talking about how he's praying for them, and hoping they'll all be united in the same mind and spirit. See here Jack, Paul is encouraging them to live lives of holiness and joy, which is no malarkey! He's telling them, "No matter what happens, there's gonna be a good outcome." So I tell you what, Paul's not letting them off the hook, but he's giving them a way to work through their issues and come out on top. That's Philippians 1 in a nutshell, excuse me.