Peter: Alright, so Philippians 1! Lois: Yeah, it starts off with Paul thanking God for the Church in Philippi and expressing his joy that they have remained faithful. Quagmire: Uh, yeah, and then he talks about how he prays for them and asks them to work together to make progress in their faith. Peter: Yeah, and then he talks about how he knows that God will continue to work in them and help them grow. Stewie: Oh, and then he mentions that he's been thrown in jail, but it's ok 'cause he's using it as an opportunity to preach the gospel. Brian: Yeah, and he talks about how being in jail has enabled him to spread the gospel even more and has made him even more eager to see the Church in Philippi succeed. Meg: Yeah, and then Paul talks about how proud he is of the Church in Philippi and how he knows that God will use them to further His kingdom. Peter: Alright, so that's Philippians 1! Quagmire: Yup, and remember, kids, don't do drugs or you'll end up like Paul in jail.